What You Should Know About Kombucha & Its Alcohol Content

Kombucha is earning more and more attention for its naturally occurring probiotic content and gut health benefits. While many people are making it part of their daily routine, the majority of Americans have a lot of questions about the drink. Some are turned off by what they’ve heard about old school kombucha’s strange smell, flavor, color, and textures. Others may feel uneasy about the alcohol that can be leftover during traditional kombucha’s fermentation process.
We get it – most kombucha is weird! But that’s where Koe comes in. Koe is kombucha without the weird. No strange textures, globs, or funky fermented flavors. Instead, Koe tastes like light and refreshing sparkling fruit juice.
Whether it be the fermentation, the bacteria, the possibility of alcohol, or something else that’s making you hesitate to try kombucha, we’re here to give you the facts about the bubbly probiotic drink. We’ll cover the basics of kombucha, its alcohol content and why Koe is different, so you can have a solid idea about how truly great this beverage is!
What is Kombucha and How is it Made?
We often get the question, “what kombucha is and how it is made?” Kombucha is made by combining black tea or green tea with sugar and fermenting them together. Kombucha is often recognized for its probiotics –which come as a result of this fermentation process. Probiotics are good, healthy bacteria that can help your gut, bloating, digestion, energy levels and more.
Kombucha is made 2-step fermentation process. The first fermentation process consists of creating the SCOBY. What the heck is SCOBY, you might be asking (it’s ok, we asked too!)? SCOBY is an acronym for “symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast.” The SCOBY is essentially a cloud-like island of gut-healthy bacteria. Let’s be real - SCOBY is ugly – but it’s what makes kombucha so good for you. Green or black tea is added to the SCOBY and allowed to ferment. Once the fermentation process is complete, the SCOBY can be removed and fruit, juice, herbs or spices or other flavors can be added to balance the flavor.
Many store bought kombucha brands leave the SCOBY in their products, creating the strange floaties you see in most kombuchas. But at Koe, we filter the SCOBY and yeast, because it has no nutritional benefit, leaving a drink that is smooth and refreshing without the weird textures.
What Does Kombucha Taste Like?
While most kombucha has a slight to strong vinegar taste (and smell!) due to its fermentation, yeast and SCOBY content, Koe tastes like refreshing sparkling fruit juice without the strange, sour flavor! In fact, Koe’s fruity and refreshing flavor is one of the reasons so many people love our drinks. They are healthy but actually taste delicious, which keeps our fans coming back for more. Just check our ratings on Amazon for proof.
Is Kombucha Alcoholic?
If you are new to kombucha, drinking it may be daunting because most brands contain a small amount of alcohol. One benefit of Koe Kombucha is that it’s certified “non-alcoholic compliant,” and doesn’t continue to ferment after it’s canned. Most readymade kombuchas contain less than 0.5% alcohol at the time of manufacturing, but brands other than Koe can continue to ferment as they sit in storage, in transit or on shelves, which can lead to increased alcohol levels.
Homemade kombucha on the other hand may yield a higher alcohol content. Most experts say that homemade kombucha can sometimes reach up to 2% ABV, while some readymade store brands are marketed as alcoholic drinks or “hard kombucha,” with up to 11% ABV (that’s almost 3x a light beer!) If you desire a kombucha that has as little alcohol as possible, then opt for Koe.
What are the Health Benefits of Kombucha?
One of the main benefits of kombucha is that it can keep your gut in shape. The good-for-you probiotics found in kombucha are known to be incredibly helpful for the stomach and contribute to a healthier gut and “microbiome.” Keeping these systems healthy can lead to weight loss, decrease in inflammation, better digestion, clearer skin, less brain fog, and more.
Koe Kombucha also contains over 200% of the RDA of vitamin C. What happens when you combine probiotics and vitamin C? You get a dynamic duo that helps support immunity and a healthier body.
Kombucha as an Alternative to Other Beverages
Kombucha can be a great alternative and substitute for a variety of different beverages. For example, kombucha is a great healthy alternative to soda. It contains far less sugar and calories than soda and still offers a flavorful, carbonated experience! Kombucha is known for being a healthier alternative to juice because of its probiotic content - and it typically contains way less sugar and syrups than most store-bought fruit juices.
Compared to highly caffeinated beverages like coffee with about 80mg per serving or energy drinks with made with artificial ingredients and upwards of 200mg of caffeine, Koe Kombucha has just a little kick of 15mg of caffeine per can.
Kombucha like Koe can also be a great alternative to alcohol because it has characteristics that make the drinking experience similar. A modern-looking can in your hand, carbonation, and unique flavor – all without the alcoholic buzz, of course. In other words, kombucha can be a delicious and feel-good, lower calorie, lower sugar, and lower risk alternative to sodas, sugary juices, energy drinks, and alcohol.
Now that you know what kombucha is, its alcohol content, health benefits, and how it is typically made, it’s time to try Koe if you haven’t already. You may even find you want to make it part of your daily routine. To find Koe Kombucha near you, check out our store locator or head to Amazon to buy a case.
-The Koe Team